Veteran Owned & Operated

Timeshare Owners: Is Your Timeshare On This List?

Changes in legislation make it possible to Legally exit your timeshare and receive restitution for illegal timeshare fees.

If Your Timeshare Is On The List, We Can Begin The Legal Cancellation Process Immediately.

Click the button and choose your timeshare company to find out if they are on our "cancellation list."

Our Friends:

Zero Risk, Guaranteed Timeshare Cancellation

Our process is 100% effective. If your timeshare is on our list, you might be able to end timeshare payments immediately. It's the easiest way to exit your timeshare.

Check Your Eligibility

One of our attorneys will review your information and quickly decide is cancellation is an option.

Discuss Your Options

Speak to a professional Timeshare Exit consultant about legally canceling your Timeshare contract.

We'll Get To Work

Let us do the heavy lifting. Our lawyers go to work and get you out of your timeshare contract.

Timeshare Is Cancelled!

Enjoy a future free from the financial burden of timeshare ownership!

If you were pressured into buying a timeshare, we can help!

  • Proven Track Record: We've successfully helped tens of thousands escape their timeshare burdens.

  • Timeshare Developers Should Be Held Accountable For Illegal Fees: We know how to hold timeshare companies accountable for illegal fees.

  • Eliminate Escalating Fees: Say goodbye to the financial drain of your timeshare.

  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee: We will fight for your rights until you are 100% satisfied with the outcome.

"Our timeshare company made misrepresentations to us time after time. They kept trying to upgrade us over and over, creating more financial burdens. It was too much! Stonegate Firm® was the only firm that delivered on their 100% satisfaction guarantee."

- Antonio and Anita H., Texas

Don't pay a random "timeshare cancellation specialist." Get REAL help with our veteran led legal team!

Timeshare law is a specialized area that requires proper legal support. There are many fake "timeshare exit companies" that could leave you owing more and still paying for your timeshare.

We didn't know our kids would be responsible for our timeshare when we pass away. Thank goodness RFA was able to help get us OUT of that whole mess!

- Paul and Susan, Gainesville, FL

If you were pressured into buying a timeshare, we can help!

Our reputation speaks for itself. We have an A+ rating on the BBB website. Quite frankly, we have one of the highest rated BBB profiles of any company in the timeshare cancellation industry.

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Disclosure: Stonegate is an affiliate company of RFA Corporation. Stonegate is a firm that is affiliated with RFA Corporation and in turn RFA Corporation employs general counsel and a legal team that specializes in timeshare cancellation through consumer protection. This material or any material provided by Stonegate clients in any capacity including this website verbally or in written format is intended for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Responses to inquiries, whether by email, telephone, reading of this website does not constitute legal advice, nor does it create or imply the existence of an attorney-client relationship. We at Stonegate do not suggest, advise or sanction the non-payment of any financial obligations due, unless, as one of RFA Corporation’s clients, who have been specifically advised to do so as a result of RFA Corporation’s lead attorney and general counsel. Entering into a timeshare cancellation service agreement with RFA Corporation does not reflect a direct attorney-client relationship. As a client of RFA Corporation you will get the benefit of attorney or legal staff that is directly employed by RFA Corporation. If you are suffering from financial hardship and are no longer able to pay your timeshare fees or simply want to sell your timeshare, call your timeshare company and see if they are willing to take back their timeshare, as many of the timeshare developers have programs designed for those in financial distress or simply want to sell. If, however, your timeshare does not have a program that fits your needs and it seems like you will be stuck with the timeshare and its obligations to pay maintenance fees for life, you should consult with RFA Cancellation, our team of cancellation experts are familiar with these laws.